Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chicago Activities for Jewish Singles, Spring Fever Happenings, Purimpalooza

Makor Shabbat - March 13, 7pm
Celebrate Shabbat with new and old friends on Friday on the 13th. Join Kehilla for this superstitious Shabbat experience. RSVP as a
host (we provide a delicious dinner) or a guest by Wednesday to Rachel, 773-871-6780

Young Adult Seder - April 8

Passover is around the corner! Join Kehilla for our annual seder (open to all Jewish backgrounds) led by Rabbi Tachman @ Temple
Sholom 3480 N. Lake Shore Dr. $25 before March 30, $36 after. RSVP to, 773-871-6780 (Or sign up on next week) Space is limited. Kosher for Passover Dietary Laws observed.


1 in 5 Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier of a "Jewish" genetic disorder - and may not even know it. With a simple blood test, find out if
you're at risk for passing on a debilitating, if not fatal, genetic disorder. If you're thinking about starting a family, now's the
time to learn your risk - and your options.

Monday, March 16, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Temple Sholom, Chicago
Monday, April 27, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Chicago Sinai Congregation, Chicago

$90 per person or $36 for students includes dinner, educational presentation, and screening for 9 disorders. These tests usually
cost over $3,000! Pre-registration required. Contact Rachel at 312-357-4988. The Chicago Center for Jewish Genetic Disorders is a
cooperative effort of the JUF/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and Children's Memorial Hospital, and is supported in part
by the Michael Reese Health Trust.

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